

The investment objective of the Euro Liquid Reserves Fund is to maximise current income to the extent consistent with the preservation of capital and the maintenance of liquidity by investing in a diversified Fund of high quality money market securities.The Fund will consider Environmental Social Governance (ESG) factors.
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Profilo di rischio

  • Counterparty risk a party that the Portfolio transacts with may fail to meet its obligations which could cause losses.
  • Credit risk the failure of a counterparty or an issuer of a financial asset held within the Fund to meet its payment obligations will have a negative impact on the Fund.
  • Custodian risk insolvency, breaches of duty of care or misconduct of a custodian or subcustodian responsible for the safekeeping of the Fund's assets can result in loss to the Fund.
  • Interest rate risk when interest rates rise, bond prices fall, reflecting the ability of investors to obtain a more attractive rate of interest on their money elsewhere. Bond prices are therefore subject to movements in interest rates which may move for a number of reasons, political as well as economic.
  • Liquidity risk the Fund may not always find another party willing to purchase an asset that the Fund wants to sell which could impact the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests on demand.
  • Market risk the value of assets in the Fund is typically dictated by a number of factors, including the confidence levels of the market in which they are traded.
  • Operational risk material losses to the Fund may arise as a result of human error, system and/or process failures, inadequate procedures or controls.
Complete information on the risks of investing in the fund are set out in the fund’s prospectus.

Dati del fondo



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