Morningstar Rating
The Fund is classified as a financial product under Article 8 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. The Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics and has partial sustainable investments as its objective. The Fund integrates ESG factors and risk in the investment process alongside traditional factors. Detailed information on the sustainability related disclosures of the Fund can be found in the Pre-Contractual Document (annex of the prospectus) on The fund mainly invests in a diversified portfolio of Eurozone fixed income instruments, including green bonds, denominated in Euro and European stocks from companies and issuers pursuing policies of sustainable development observing environmental, social and governance principles. The equity portfolio has a European investment universe, mainly investing in equities of companies that are part of the MSCI Europe (NR) Index. Within the fixed income portfolio, the corporate bonds portfolio has a European investment universe, mainly investing in bonds of companies that are part of the Bloomberg Euro-Aggregate. At least annually, the equity and corporate bond portfolios’ initial investment universes are reduced by at least 20%, as a result of the application of a “Best-in-Universe” approach and the below mentioned exclusions and restrictions. When applying the “Best-in-Universe” approach, the appropriateness of investments in bonds and/or equities are assessed. Issuers that meet the ESG requirements of the Management Company are prioritized and similarly, issuers that do not meet those requirements are not eligible for investment. The ESG requirements in this context are assessed by taking into account, amongst others, the issuer’s ESG Rating, economic activities and behavior. The selection process involves both financial analysis and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) analysis which may be limited by the quality and availability of the data disclosed by issuers or provided by third parties. Examples of non-financial criteria assessed in the ESG analysis are carbon intensity, gender diversity and remuneration policy. In the selection process, the focus of the analysis is on companies that pursue a policy of sustainable development and that combine the respect of social principles and environmental principles with their focus on financial targets (positive screening). The abovementioned selection process is applied to at least 90% of the equity investments and of the bond investments. As the Sub-Fund may use different criteria for company or issuer analysis and/or a different approach to improve the non-financial indicator compared to the initial investment universe, this may potentially lead to inconsistency between company or issuer selection within the different sub-asset classes of the Sub-Fund. Next to screening out companies with serious and structural issues concerning controversial behaviour we also do not invest in issuers involved in activities including but not limited to, the development, production, maintenance or trade of controversial weapons, the production of tobacco products, thermal coal mining and/or oil sands production. Further, more stringent restrictions are applicable for investments in issuers involved in activities related to gambling, weapons, adult entertainment, fur & specialty leather, Arctic drilling and shale oil & gas. The fund uses active management to respond to changing market conditions by using amongst others fundamental and behavioural analysis resulting in dynamic asset allocations over time. The fund positioning can therefore materially deviate from the benchmark. The fund is actively managed against an investment profile of 50% bonds denominated in Euro and 50% European stocks. Measured over a period of five years we aim to beat the performance of the benchmark composed as follows: 50% MSCI Europe Index (Net), 50% Bloomberg Euro Aggregate. The benchmark is a broad representation of our investment universe. The fund may also include investments into securities that are not part of the benchmark universe. The fund strives to add value via three approaches: (1) Tactical allocation between and within stocks and bonds, (2) Selection based on the analysis of companies and issuers which combine environmental, social (e.g. human rights, non-discrimination, fight against child labor) and governance factors with a financial performance, (3) Decisions aimed at portfolio diversification and risk management. For this specific hedged share class we apply a currency hedging strategy. By hedging our currencies we aim to avoid currency risks for euro investors. We hedge all currency risks in the portfolio of the sub-fund to the reference currency of this share class (EUR). A currency hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in another currency. You can sell your participation in this fund on each (working) day on which the value of the units is calculated, which for this fund occurs daily. The fund aims at providing you with a regular dividend.
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