Rating Morningstar
The Fund is classified as a financial product under Article 8 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. The Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics but does not have a sustainable investment objective. The Fund integrates ESG factors and risk in the investment process alongside traditional factors. Detailed information on the sustainability related disclosures of the Fund can be found in the Template Pre-contractual disclosure (annex of the prospectus) on https://www.gsam.com/responsible-investing/en-INT/non-professional/funds/documents. The fund's objective is to achieve returns higher than EURIBOR 1-month, measured over a rolling 3 - 5 years period. This index is not used for portfolio construction but for performance measurement purposes only. The fund is actively managed. The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of mainly fixed income instruments and aims to generate returns from dynamic asset allocation decisions and security selection. The fund mainly invests in investment and non-investment grade corporate and sovereign bonds in both developed and emerging markets but can also invest in other fixed income instruments such as, but not limited to, covered bonds and asset backed securities. The fund uses derivatives and can take long and short positions (short positions via derivative instruments only) in order to achieve its objectives. In order to control the risk in the fund, we apply strict risk monitoring measures. The fund does not aim to provide you with a dividend. It will reinvest all earnings. You can sell your participation in this fund on each (working) day on which the value of the units is calculated, which for this fund occurs daily.
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