Morningstar Rating
The Fund is classified as a financial product under Article 8 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. The Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics and has partial sustainable investments as its objective. The Fund integrates ESG factors and risk in the investment process alongside traditional factors. Detailed information on the sustainability related disclosures of the Fund can be found in the Pre-Contractual Document (annex of the prospectus) on https://www.gsam.com/responsible-investing/en-INT/non-professional/funds/documents. The fund uses active management and aims for a risk-return profile in line with its benchmark, the MSCI Emerging Markets (NR), while at the same time applying ESG screening criteria focusing on positive selection based on a risk analysis of environmental and governance aspects, to enhance the fund’s sustainability profile compared to the benchmark. It targets companies that combine respect for social principles (e.g. human rights, non-discrimination, the issue of child labour) and environmental principles with a financial performance. The benchmark represents our investment universe. The fund may not include investments into securities that are not part of the benchmark universe. We also do not invest in companies that are directly engaged in, and/or deriving significant revenues from controversial activities. Due to the exclusion of companies that do not qualify, there will be differences between the composition of the fund's portfolio and the composition of the benchmark. An optimisation methodology is used to construct the portfolio with an aim to achieve a risk and return profile in line with that of the Index. You can sell your participation in this fund on each (working) day on which the value of the units is calculated, which for this fund occurs daily. The fund does not aim to provide you with a dividend. It will reinvest all earnings.
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