
Building a Successful Strategy for Sustainable Investing

The Challenge

The Client

An Australian superannuation fund looking for a partner in navigating their sustainable investing journey.

The Objective

Carry out an in-depth portfolio diagnostic to determine the carbon footprint of their domestic and international public equity portfolios versus their market cap benchmark.

Our Assignment
  • Execute a portfolio diagnostic review and provide peer best practices related to managing climate transition risk. 
  • Develop and present a multi-year strategic plan to their investment board.
Our Solution

In-Depth Climate Impact Analysis

We provided analysis and education around three main areas:

  1. Dynamics driving secular trends towards sustainable investments.
  2. ESG frameworks to identify risks & opportunities, including peer case studies and potential action steps.
  3. Managing climate risk in public equities, including measurement and monitoring of emissions exposure. 

We presented a strategic plan along with potential action steps to their investment board.

We carried out in-depth analysis on equity portfolio emissions and proposed customized solutions.

The Outcome

This Solution Addressed the Challenge By
  • Identifying levers to decarbonize the public market portfolio.
  • Exploring targeted increases to climate thematic products.
  • Assessing opportunities to gain exposure to headline investments that will complement the broader net zero strategy.
  • Creating a customized sustainable equity investment with a climate tilt.

The cited case studies represent examples of how we have partnered with various institutional clients on a broad range of services and offerings. The experiences outlined in the case studies may not be representative of the experience of other clients. The case studies have not been selected based on portfolio performance and are not indicative of future performance or success. This is not a testimonial for Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s advisory services.