We believe many investors are increasingly using alternative investment solutions to help achieve their investment objectives and diversify their portfolios, while potentially reducing the effects of market volatility.

Emerging markets investments may be less liquid and are subject to greater risk than developed market investments as a result of, but not limited to, the following: inadequate regulations, volatile securities markets, adverse exchange rates, and social, political, military, regulatory, economic or environmental developments, or natural disasters.
Equity investments are subject to market risk, which means that the value of the securities in which it invests may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular sectors and/or general economic conditions. Different investment styles (e.g., “growth” and “value”) tend to shift in and out of favor, and, at times, the strategy may underperform other strategies that invest in similar asset classes. The market capitalization of a company may also involve greater risks (e.g. "small" or "mid" cap companies) than those associated with larger, more established companies and may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements, in addition to lower liquidity.
Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) strategies may take risks or eliminate exposures found in other strategies or broad market benchmarks that may cause performance to diverge from the performance of these other strategies or market benchmarks. ESG strategies will be subject to the risks associated with their underlying investments’ asset classes. Further, the demand within certain markets or sectors that an ESG strategy targets may not develop as forecasted or may develop more slowly than anticipated. Any ESG characteristics, views, assessments, claims or similar referenced herein (i) will be based on, and limited to, the consideration of specific ESG attributes or metrics related to a product, issuer or service and not their broader or full ESG profile, and unless stated otherwise, (ii) may be limited to a point of time assessment and may not consider the broader lifecycle of the product, issuer or service, and (iii) may not consider any potential negative ESG impacts arising from or related to the product, issuer or service.
International securities may be more volatile and less liquid and are subject to the risks of adverse economic or political developments. International securities are subject to greater risk of loss as a result of, but not limited to, the following: inadequate regulations, volatile securities markets, adverse exchange rates, and social, political, military, regulatory, economic or environmental developments, or natural disasters.
Prospective investors should inform themselves as to any applicable legal requirements and taxation and exchange control regulations in the countries of their citizenship, residence or domicile which might be relevant.
This material is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. This material is not intended to be used as a general guide to investing, or as a source of any specific investment recommendations, and makes no implied or express recommendations concerning the manner in which any client’s account should or would be handled, as appropriate investment strategies depend upon the client’s investment objectives.
Past performance does not guarantee future results, which may vary. The value of investments and the income derived from investments will fluctuate and can go down as well as up. A loss of principal may occur.
Hedge funds and other private investment funds (collectively, “Alternative Investments”) are subject to less regulation than other types of pooled investment vehicles such as mutual funds. Alternative Investments may impose significant fees, including incentive fees that are based upon a percentage of the realized and unrealized gains and an individual’s net returns may differ significantly from actual returns. Such fees may offset all or a significant portion of such Alternative Investment’s trading profits. Alternative Investments are not required to provide periodic pricing or valuation information. Investors may have limited rights with respect to their investments, including limited voting rights and participation in the management of such Alternative Investments.
Alternative Investments often engage in leverage and other investment practices that are extremely speculative and involve a high degree of risk. Such practices may increase the volatility of performance and the risk of investment loss, including the loss of the entire amount that is invested. There may be conflicts of interest relating to the Alternative Investment and its service providers, including Goldman Sachs and its affiliates. Similarly, interests in an Alternative Investment are highly illiquid and generally are not transferable without the consent of the sponsor, and applicable securities and tax laws will limit transfers.
Conflicts of Interest
There may be conflicts of interest relating to the Alternative Investment and its service providers, including Goldman Sachs and its affiliates. These activities and interests include potential multiple advisory, transactional and other interests in securities and instruments that may be purchased or sold by the Alternative Investment. These are considerations of which investors should be aware and additional information relating to these conflicts is set forth in the offering materials for the Alternative Investment.
The material provided herein is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities relating to any of the products referenced herein, notwithstanding that any such securities may be currently being offered to others. Any such offering will be made only in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the offering documents pertaining to such Fund. Prior to investing, investors are strongly urged to review carefully all of the offering documents.
No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representation, warranty, statement or assurance not contained in the offering documents.
This information discusses general market activity, industry or sector trends, or other broad-based economic, market or political conditions and should not be construed as research or investment advice. This material has been prepared by Goldman Sachs Asset Management and is not financial research nor a product of Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research (GIR). It was not prepared in compliance with applicable provisions of law designed to promote the independence of financial analysis and is not subject to a prohibition on trading following the distribution of financial research. The views and opinions expressed may differ from those of Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research or other departments or divisions of Goldman Sachs and its affiliates. Investors are urged to consult with their financial advisors before buying or selling any securities. This information may not be current and Goldman Sachs Asset Management has no obligation to provide any updates or changes.
This material represents the views of the Investment Strategy Group (“ISG”) in the Investment Management Division of Goldman Sachs. It is not a product of Goldman Sachs Asset Management nor financial research or a product of Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research (GIR). It was not prepared in compliance with applicable provisions of law designed to promote the independence of financial analysis and is not subject to a prohibition on trading following the distribution of financial research. The views and opinions expressed herein may vary significantly from those expressed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management or any other groups at Goldman Sachs. Investors are urged to consult with their financial advisers before buying or selling any securities. The information contained herein should not be relied upon in making an investment decision or be construed as investment advice. Goldman Sachs Asset Management has no obligation to provide any updates or changes.
Any reference to a specific company or security does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell, hold or directly invest in the company or its securities. Any allocation advice and/or recommendations included in this document are prepared by the ISG team. Allocation advice and recommendations are independent from any Goldman Sachs Asset Management products and services.”
Materials that discuss alternative investment products are generally intended for recipients who qualify as Accredited Investors and Qualified Purchasers (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933). Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC. (“GS&Co.”) takes into consideration client suitability, eligibility, and sophistication when distributing marketing materials and not all marketing materials are appropriate for all GS&Co. clients. Distribution of this material is premised on the reasonable belief that the recipient has sufficient financial expertise and/or access to resources to independently analyze the information presented. If you do not believe you meet this criteria, please disregard and contact your advisor.
This material contains information that pertains to past performance or is the basis for previously-made discretionary investment decisions. This information should not be construed as a current recommendation, research or investment advice. It should not be assumed that any investment decisions shown will prove to be profitable, or that any investment decisions made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of investments discussed herein. Any mention of an investment decision is intended only to illustrate our investment approach and/or strategy, and is not indicative of the performance of our strategy as a whole. Any such illustration is not necessarily representative of other investment decisions.
This material has been prepared by Goldman Sachs Asset Management and is not financial research nor a product of Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research (GIR). It was not prepared in compliance with applicable provisions of law designed to promote the independence of financial analysis and is not subject to a prohibition on trading following the distribution of financial research. The views and opinions expressed may differ from those of Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research or other departments or divisions of Goldman Sachs and its affiliates. This information may not be current and Goldman Sachs Asset Management has no obligation to provide any updates or changes. It should not be relied upon in making an investment decision.
Portfolio holdings and/or allocations shown above are as of the date indicated and may not be representative of future investments. The holdings and/or allocations shown may not represent all of the portfolio's investments. Future investments may or may not be profitable.
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Although certain information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness or fairness. We have relied upon and assumed without independent verification, the accuracy and completeness of all information available from public sources.
Views and opinions expressed are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation by Goldman Sachs Asset Management to buy, sell, or hold any security. Views and opinions are current as of the date of this publication and may be subject to change, they should not be construed as investment advice.
Goldman Sachs Asset Management leverages the resources of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC subject to legal, internal and regulatory restrictions.
Any reference to a specific company or security does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell, hold or directly invest in the company or its securities. It should not be assumed that investment decisions made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the securities discussed in this document.
Private equity investments are speculative, highly illiquid, involve a high degree of risk, have high fees and expenses that could reduce returns, and subject to the possibility of partial or total loss of fund capital; they are, therefore, intended for experienced and sophisticated long-term investors who can accept such risks. There can be no assurance that any objectives or targets stated in this material can be achieved; any targets provided are subject to change and do not provide any assurance as to future results. The ability of underlying funds to achieve their objectives or targets depends upon a variety of factors, not the least of which are political, public market and economic conditions. Any historical performance of individual partnerships shown is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee their future performance, which can vary considerably. The trading market for the securities of any portfolio investment of the underlying funds may not be sufficiently liquid to enable such funds to sell such securities when it believes it is most advantageous to do so, or without adversely affecting the stock price. In addition, such portfolio companies may be highly leveraged, which leverage could have significant adverse consequences to these companies and the funds offered by XIG Private Equity. Furthermore, restrictions on transferring interests in XIG Private Equity funds may exist so prospective investors should be prepared to retain their investments in any XIG Private Equity fund until the fund liquidates. For a complete discussion of risks that are unique to a particular XIG Private Equity fund, please refer to the respective fund’s offering documents, which should be carefully reviewed prior to investing.
Diversification does not protect an investor from market risk and does not ensure a profit.
This material represents the views of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. It is not financial research or a product of Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research (GIR). It was not a product nor financial research of Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research (GIR). It was not prepared in compliance with applicable provisions of law designed to promote the independence of financial analysis and is not subject to a prohibition on trading following the distribution of financial research. The views and opinions expressed herein may vary significantly from those expressed by GIR or any other groups at Goldman Sachs. Investors are urged to consult with their financial advisers before buying or selling any securities. The information contained herein should not be relied upon in making an investment decision or be construed as investment advice. Goldman Sachs Asset Management has no obligation to provide any updates or changes.
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