Life Sciences
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management. As December 31, 2023
We operate a robust, multi-channel sourcing engine that leverages Goldman Sachs’ relationships across academic and medical institutions, corporates, venture capital and private equity firms, and company founders and executives.
We believe that many life sciences companies would benefit from scaling privately, but a funding gap has historically forced these companies to go public too early. By better aligning investment capital with company innovation, we hope to drive better outcomes for companies and, ultimately, patients.
We partner with companies to enhance and accelerate value creation by helping them establish the right business and financial strategies, execute, and achieve strong exits.

Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management as of December 31, 2023.Investments were selected to highlight the largest investment made as of December 31, 2023. We believe these selected case studies should be considered as a reflection of our investment process, and references to these particular assets/portfolio companies should not be considered a recommendation of any particular security, investment, or portfolio company. Any mention of an investment decision is intended only to illustrate our investment strategy and is not indicative of the performance of our strategy as a whole. It should not be assumed that any investment decisions shown will prove to be profitable or any future investment decisions will be profitable or equal the performance of the investments discussed herein. The holdings and/or allocations shown may not represent all of the strategy’s investments. Please contact your Goldman Sachs Asset Management representative to obtain the holdings presented above as well as each holding’s contribution to performance and a complete list of past recommendations. Please see additional disclosures in the appendix.