In The Spotlight

Green, Social & Impact Bonds

The drive toward a low-carbon, inclusive economy is creating investment opportunities around the world. We believe the market in green, social and sustainability bonds allows investors to support this transition without sacrificing liquidity or returns.
Experience Matters
BillionAssets Under Supervision
YearsGreen, Social and Sustainability Bonds Experience

Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Dedicated green, social, and impact bonds Assets Under Supervision (AUS) as of June 30, 2024. AUS includes assets under management and other client assets for which Goldman Sachs does not have full discretion.

Beyond Impact: Analyzing The Drivers of Green Bond Performance
Understanding what drives green bond market returns and how they compare with the broader market helps to inform investing decisions. We analyzed three key factors affecting index-level performance, and the outlook for fixed income investors is encouraging
beyond impact: analyzing the drivers of green bond performance
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