The Fund is classified as a financial product under Article 9 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. The Fund has sustainable investment as its objective. Detailed information on the sustainability related disclosures of the Fund can be found in the Pre-Contractual Document (annex of the prospectus) on https://www.gsam.com/responsible-investing/en-INT/non-professional/Funds/documents. The Fund uses active management to target companies that generate a positive social impact alongside a financial return. The Fund has an impact investment approach and seeks to create positive social impact by investing in companies that the Management Company considers to be sustainable investments, and which provide solutions that drive social sustainability, by virtue of their alignment to key themes associated with solving social problems. The selection process involves thematic alignment, financial analysis and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) analysis, which may be limited by the quality and availability of the data disclosed by issuers or provided by third parties. Examples of non-financial criteria assessed in the ESG analysis are carbon intensity, gender diversity and remuneration policy. Mainly companies with positive social impact will qualify for inclusion in the Fund. The Fund aims to make no investments in companies with controversial activities. The Fund has a global investment universe that is aligned with long term societal trends. The Fund strives to add value through company analysis, engagement and impact measurement. Measured over a period of several years this Fund aims to beat the performance of MSCI AC World (NR). The index is not used for portfolio construction but for performance measurement purposes only. The performance of the Fund and the benchmark may materially deviate. There is no actual benchmark for this specific hedged share class as we apply a currency hedging strategy. The Fund’s base currency is euro (EUR) and the Fund can be exposed to non-EUR currencies. By hedging this share class we aim to exchange the base currency of the Fund (EUR) with the base currency of this share class Czech koruna (CZK). The exposure towards non-CZK currencies in the Fund remains in this share class. A currency hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in another currency. You can sell your participation in this Fund on each (working) day on which the value of the units is calculated, which for this Fund occurs daily. The Fund does not aim to provide you with a dividend. It will reinvest all earnings.
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