Fixed Income

Municipal Fixed Income 2024 Outlook

Catch Yields While You Can 

The past twelve months have been full of periods of volatility that have sometimes seemed hard to overcome, as negative sentiment often dominated the headlines. Looking back on the year however, bonds did fulfill initial expectations with returns solidly in positive territory across the curve. 

We believe there will continue to be opportunities in the year ahead — but time is running out. Growth is slowing, inflation is normalizing, and we believe that the Fed will begin to cut rates. We think yields will move lower in 2024 and encourage investors to take advantage of the current elevated yield environment to lock in longer-term yields while they can.

2023 was a wild ride for investors in the muni market, given the volatility in the treasury market. As we look ahead to 2024, investors that can selectively add credit and be nimble around their duration will be in a strong position to navigate the likely continued volatility in the year ahead.
Scott Diamond
Co-Head of Municipal Fixed Income
Investors have had the opportunity to lock in yields that we have not seen in a very long time. Yields will fall in 2024 and quality bonds will perform. Investors will continue to have opportunity — Carpe Diem! Embrace duration. Be wary of reinvestment risk. Know what you own.
Sylvia Yeh
Co-Head of Municipal Fixed Income
Investment grade credit had a strong 2023 and we expect that to continue in 2024 supported by a steady economic environment. We expect revenue trends to normalize, after a few years of rapid expansion, and some municipalities will require expenditure discipline to adjust. For high yield credit in 2024 we do not see any sector wide or systemic risk, consistent with recent trends.
David Alter
Head of Credit Research, Municipal Fixed Income