Notation Morningstar
Vue d’ensemble
Seeks total return comprised of long-term growth of capital and dividend income
Raisons d’investir
A Complement to a Well Balanced Portfolio
Adding public real estate investments to a portfolio may offer income, diversification, and inflation hedging benefits. In addition, it may offer lower liquidity risk relative to private investments. We seek a diversified source of income with long-term growth potential.
Research-Driven Approach
We analyze multiple drivers of real estate returns underlying asset value, strength of cash flows, balance sheet quality, and management experience to determine where we believe we have a competitive advantage. We employ an intensive stock selection process to unlock hidden value.
Experienced Management Team
Our investment team averages 18 years of real estate investing experience. Our portfolio managers leverage insights from our Equity, Fixed Income, and Private Real Estate research teams. We seek to provide access to insights of the broader team to achieve potential long and short term investment objectives.
Données du fonds
Équipe de gestion
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