In The Spotlight
Unmatched Insights. Tailor-Made Strategies.
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) offer customized investment solutions to fit your clients' unique needs.
SMAs At a Glance
BillionSMA Assets Under Supervision
YearsSMA Experience
Goldman Sachs Asset Management as of December 31, 2023. Assets Under Supervision (AUS) includes assets under management and other client assets for which Goldman Sachs does not have full discretion. AUS figure as of December 31, 2023.
Experience Matters
Your clients have unique expectations. We can help you exceed them. Goldman Sachs SMAs draw on our team’s deep insight to build portfolios tailored to each investor.
Experienced Investment TeamsTruly Active ManagementPowerfully Customized Portfolios
Goldman Sachs SMA offerings are grounded in decades of strategic leadership and supported by our Asset Management team.
Our team continuously monitors portfolios to minimize tax drag and maximize after-tax opportunities.
Our SMAs can be tailored to your clients’ values and objectives, including ESG and responsible investing considerations.
Our SMA Strategies
We seek to provide your clients with benchmark-like equity returns through direct indexing and tax-loss harvesting.
Fixed Income Separately Managed Accounts
Our strategies seek to maximize after-tax income and can be individually designed to meet client needs.
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